
SSL证书 ? SSL认证是在数据传输中用加密的方式建立一个私人通讯渠道。加密水平越高,您的通讯就越安全。 加密 ? 网站印章是权威认证机构提供的一个图片,以使用户放心地看到他们在网页上的资料已有SSL证书保障安全。 网站印章 ? 保护一个总域名或一台服务器下的多个域名。 Wildcard ? SSL证书最少注册年限 期限 ? 这是您使用这项服务需要支付的年费 一年价格  
RapidSSL 256 bit 是 否 1 年 $25.95$30.88£19.99£23.79€18.99€22.60 购买
GeoTrust QuickSSL 256 bit 是 否 1 年 $105.00$124.95£69.00£82.11€79.99€95.19 购买
GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium 256 bit 是 否 1 年 $145.00$172.55£99.00£117.81€109.99€130.89 购买
GeoTrust True BusinessID 256 bit 是 否 1 年 $145.00$172.55£99.00£117.81€109.99€130.89 购买


SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) issued by a trusted authority such as RapidSSL or GeoTrust is installed on your domain's hostname i.e. When there is a client of yours that browse over the connection between the browser and the server is encrypted with 128, 256 bit key. Any data send between your client's browser and the server is encrypted before sending and decrypted after received on the server. In that way information transmitted over the Internet is encrypted and signed as secured by this trusted authority. Browser when sending data over https:// checks the validity of the SSL Certificate with the issuance authority. SSL technology protects your Web site and makes it easy for your Web site visitors to trust you.

Valid SSL Certificate is a must if:

  • 您的网站是在线商店并接受信用卡或其它支付
  • 您的网站提供在线服务并要求订阅者注册
  • 您的网站支持客户登录并包含私人或其它安全信息
  • 您的网站有任何其它类型的客户数据传输

Regular SSL Certificates are issued and signed to secure single hostname of your domain. In other words you can use it only for one particular subdomain e.g. or If you want to have encrypted secure connection over several subdomains you need Wildcard SSL Certificate. It can be used to secure multiple (as much as you have) subdomains on a single domain name.